VADA Privileging Dictionary Template
From Dr. Lohser, Jan 25th, 2023
Dear all,
Every reappointment cycle brings a lot of confusion around the privileging dictionary.
The document is admittedly confusing and long.
Unfortunately, this results in a large number of dictionaries that have to be reviewed and modified after the fact.
In order to simplify the process I have created a template, which should apply to most of us.
Please talk to me if you feel that you need to request additional privileges.
For clarification, NONE of the pain management privileges are relevant to our practice, they do refer to chronic pain management and NOT to acute perioperative pain management.
There are truly only 3 distinct profiles:
1. Standard non-cardiac
2. Standard cardiac
3. CSICU staff
The only caveat is around tunneling of epidural/ intrathecal catheters. We do receive requests for palliative neuraxial catheters very rarely (less than once a year). If comfortable and willing to assist with these please request the privileges.